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In this project I present to you my DIY Bullet Leatherband, that can be created by everyone without advanced crafting skills.
It is a small and inexpensive weekend project, that might accentuate your own style in a pretty awesome way. In this instructable I want to show you, what tools and materials you will need to build this unique accessories. The Leatherband can be modified towards your desire and I just want to give you in this project one example of how it could look like.
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Tools and Materials
Special Tools:
a Scalpel,
a Hallow (Leather) Punch Tool
a small Metal Saw
(Useful) a Dremel Polisher,
a Rivet Setter
some Basics: a Ruler, Pliers, Scissors, a Vice
(Optional:) a Cutting Board
a peace of garment Leather (at least: 25cm x 10cm)
two 9mm bullet casings
some .45 ACP bullet casings (for decoration)
some Metal Rivets (here: 6 casings -> 6 necessary rivets)
two 13 mm brass bracelet closures
Step 1: Prepare All Leather Parts
Start by taking your scalpel to cut out two short stripes (1,3cm x 12cm), two longer stripes (1,3cm x 28cm) and one main big peace (17cm x 4,5cm).
If you use usual garment leather like I did, you will probably have to clean up the edges with a pair of scissors.
Then take your main leather peace and cut in four openings (1,3cm x 0,2cm) in each corner. Now we can stick in the small stripes and fold them together on the other side to get an idea of, how long they actually need to be, that one metal rivet in the middle can hold everything together.
Cut off the spare part. Now it is time to fold them together on the bottom, turn it to the top and use a hollow punch tool, to punch in the hole for the rivet.
Step 2: Prepare the Fixing Bullet Casings
Let`s continue by preparing the two 9mm bullet casings, that hold our leather band parts together.
Start by removing the little Primer in the top of the Casing. I achieved that, by laying it over the small gap of my vice and punching down a thin object (big needle) from the counter side.
Then saw down the head of the Bullet Casing. Make sure to give the bottom a rough sanding to get a nice and clean surface.
The upper part should be polished to reveal the full brass shininess.
Step 3: Attach the Fixing Bullet Casings
At first we need to open the tip of the metal rivet, to be able to punch it open, when we push it through the Bullet Casings hole.
Now take your open rivets and stick them through the hole, we punched in the leather in Step 1.
Then stick the two long stripes through the loops on both sides (Second Picture).
As soon as everything is put together we can, set the bullet casings ontop of the metal rivets. If the rivet does not fit through the small hole of your 9mm Bullet casing, don’t hesitate to enlarge it a little bit with a drill.
Then use your rivet setter to fix rivet tightly to your bullet casings.
We can now reattach the metallic primer to the bullet casing to get that Original look back. We need to get rid of the primers inlay, before reattaching it.
Finally we can lay it back into the hole of the casing and press everything together in a vice. I made myself some wooden vice jaws to make sure there will be no unwanted imprints on the casings.
Step 4: Add More Decorative Bullet Casings
For the remaining decorative bullet casings I used a wider .45 ACP Caliber. I think a bigger caliber adds a little more dominance to the leather band, compared to the small 9mm.
The process to attach them is pretty much equal to the steps before. So here is a little summary of the main steps:
Remove the casings primer
Saw off the casings head
Sand and polish everything nice and clean
Punch the holes into the leather band
Fix the casings with the opend rivets to the leather band
Reattach the primers with the vice
If the previous steps worked well for you, this shouldn’t be a problem either!
Optionally: Each bullet casings could be coated with a thin layer of zapon varnish, to protect the metallic shininess of the brass as long as possible.
Step 5: Create the Bracelet Closure
I found two golden 13mm closures online for less than 4€ on eBay, that had to be attached on the two long leather stripes.
At first you have to remove some of the fabric material on the inside with your scalpel, to achieve a slim joint later.
Then use your Hollow Punch Tool to create a slightly longer hole for the the closures tip. Picture 3 will give you an Idea of the dimensions.
Afterwards bring on the closure and fold the thinned leather stripe and punch a hole for the small rivet immediately behind the closure.
Finally we can fix everything with a small 6mm metal rivet by clamping it into the vice. Make sure again to use some soft vice jaws to prevent unwanted imprints on the metal rivets.
Step 6: Create the Closures Counter Side
For the remaining decorative bullet casings I used a wider .45 ACP Caliber. I think a bigger caliber adds a little more dominance to the leather band, compared to the small 9mm.
The process to attach them is pretty much equal to the steps before. So here is a little summary of the main steps:
Remove the casings primer
Saw off the casings head
Sand and polish everything nice and clean
Punch the holes into the leather band
Fix the casings with the opend rivets to the leather band
Reattach the primers with the vice
If the previous steps worked well for you, this shouldn’t be a problem either!
Optionally: Each bullet casings could be coated with a thin layer of zapon varnish, to protect the metallic shininess of the brass as long as possible.
Step 7: Closing Words
Since the tools and the materials are quit inexpensive this Project might be possible for many people. Please feel free to ask any question in my Youtube Comments, if something is unclear. I will do my best to answer all of them as soon as possible.
If you feel like giving something back or just want to brighten up my day, leave me some Feedback and consider subscribing to my Youtube Channel for more Quality DIY`s like this one.
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